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On site Occupational Health and Health Surveillance Providers
You are here > Health Surveillance > Respirable Crystalline Silica
Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that all workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica (dust containing small particles of sand) should be included in a Health Surveillance program. It is the responsibility of the employer to involve a health professional and to discuss the need for chest X-rays as part of a Health Surveillance program in order to effectively screen workers for a lung condition called silicosis.
Silicosis can be a serious medical condition and can relate to both current and historical exposure. Whilst controls in dust exposure at work have improved in recent years, many workers remain exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) at a level where Health Surveillance is still required (in broad terms employees may still be at risk at or above 50% of the WEL for RCS).
Industrial Diagnostics Company Ltd. provide a mobile, on-site chest X-ray service that fully aligns employers with this recent updated guidance from the HSE, enabling them to demonstrate good working practice.
For more information please contact Carrie Cashmore, Imaging Services Manager on [email protected] or on 08450 775512.